Ways To Work Together


Soul Guidance

Work 1 on 1 with Yliana intimately for weekly 1 on 1 session that goes on for 12-24 weeks. This is deep, intense work for the person who is ready to transform and heal from what is no longer serving them for their greatest and highest good, by working through past wounds that are still carried on and leaving you feeling stuck.

This is for the person committed to themselves and getting to the core of who they are. This is for the person ready to rebuild their foundation on their core values.

You get access to Soul Support between sessions via text and voice messaging to get you through any breakthroughs between sessions. You also get access to all my services at no extra charge.

Inquire for pricing, payment plans available with deposit.


Spiritual Mentorship

This is a 4-6 week 1 on 1 program with Yliana, where you will learn all of her techniques in all the things she does to stay spiritually aligned and protected. Some of your own healing needs are incorporated into the program as part of the learning process as well.

These are weekly 1 hour-long sessions where you have Yliana exclusively as well as phone and messaging support between sessions. Some topics covered are Gratitude, Surrendering, Ego, Shielding, Mirroring, Detaching Cords, Crystals/Oils, Cleansing your space, Manifestation, Oracle/Tarot Cards, and intro to Chakra Balancing.

$500 payment plans available with deposit


Reiki and Crystal Healing

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that was rediscovered in the 1800s by a Japanese Christian educator, Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is used in holistic healthcare and at major hospitals and universities. Reiki utilizes universal healing energy and applied using specific hand positions on the body.

It reduces stress, relieves pain, and facilitates healing and personal growth. It also balances and energizes all systems of the body. I use crystals that are intuitively chosen by me by tapping into your energy and seeing what you need.

Basic crystal healing can target a specific ailment you may have in your body and organs. Distance reiki is where you are at your home and I am at mine and I work on you the same way I would if we were in person.

$80 an hour | Service can be done virtually


Oracle & Tarot Readings

This service is 45 mins where I pull cards from any of my oracle or tarot decks, to answer specific questions you are needing direction and guidance in or just for a general reading.

$60 an hour | Service can be done virtually


Cleansing for a Person/Home/Business

For those who feel stagnant energy in or around them and they need it moved or released. I use frankincense resin and Myrrh as well as holy water to clear the energy. The process of home and business cleansing is I go through the entire house inside and outside to clear up anything that is no longer serving the space for its greatest and highest good.

If there is negative energy or anything 'paranormal' that should not be there and needs to be removed the price will go up and it will take a few days of energetic work to the home or business.

Personal cleansing is the same process of using the items above as well as it includes a chakra balancing to the person. Our chakra system is 7 energy centers within our body that are very much our spiritual nervous system, when they are over or underactive there can be issues we experience within our bodies.

$60 and up | Services can be done virtually


Astrology Reading

Each of us has a unique blueprint from the minute we took our first breath. The planets were aligned in the sky that tells a story of your soul. With the story the planets tell, we can have a look into what makes us who we are, how we can deeper learn about ourselves, and more efficiently be conscious of these aspects. I will also look into current planetary transits in your chart and how they may be affecting you and give guidance on how to move through the energies the best way for you. For this reading, I will need your Date of Birth, Time of Birth, and Place of Birth. (If you do not have your exact time of birth then I can use a default time, but be aware without the accurate time I cannot give accurate information.)

$60 | Service can be done virtually